Moonlight & A Slight Ache by Harold Pinter

Moonlight & A Slight Ache

This June we will be staging a double-bill of two one-act plays by Harold Pinter:

Moonlight is a moving play about dying, disconnection, loss, and the yearning for communion; what we were and what we become. It is also a play about fathers and sons, and about deadlocked wedlock. It is full of recurring themes and of sudden mood changes. There is word play in the title: the thing about moonlight is that it’s the last light you see before total darkness; it’s a very brief, black intense light that fades all too soon.

In A Slight Ache, Edward and Flora are occupied with their usual concerns: enjoying the garden at their country house and a good breakfast. But they are also bothered by the man selling matches outside in the street. Who is he and where does he come from? Should they ask him to step inside to explain himself?

Showtimes: 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13 June 2009 at 19:00, a guest performance at Q-Teatteri's Puoli-Q, Tunturikatu 16, Helsinki. Tickets €10.